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Bruce Argyle is head of the Not-for-Profit Specialist Team at Bendigo Bank, chair of the Healesville & District Community Bank, and member of the ACNC Sector Users Reference Group.


Preparing for a changing of the guard: Leadership in the not-for-profit sector

Bruce Argyle, Thursday, 1st July 2021 -  Given the importance our sector plays in the health of communities, governments, not for profits and funders need to work together to ensure the next generation are not just ready to lead but ready to excel at leading, writes Bruce Argyle.

Affordable and available aged care only part of the solution

Bruce Argyle, Thursday, 3rd June 2021 -  We must recognise that adequate aged care extends beyond funding for facilities and prioritises connectedness and community, writes Bruce Argyle from Bendigo Bank.

The importance of investing in education

Bruce Argyle, Thursday, 6th May 2021 -  Education is a powerful antidote to inequality. Yet, inequalities are preventing some people from accessing an affordable education. This is why Bendigo and Adelaide Bank developed its scholarship program, writes Bruce Argyle.

Volunteering: The ultimate act of kindness

Bruce Argyle, Thursday, 8th April 2021 -  We must change the perception of volunteerism, so it is no longer viewed as a transactional model of helping, but rather an act of making a difference and addressing key issues in society, writes Bruce Argyle from Bendigo Bank.

We cannot address domestic violence without acknowledging financial abuse

Bruce Argyle, Thursday, 18th March 2021 -  What does this mean for banks and other financial service providers? Bruce Argyle from Bendigo Bank shares his insights.

Starting 2021 right: Measuring impact

Bruce Argyle, Tuesday, 2nd February 2021 -  Impact measurement is something everyone in our sector needs to come to grips with, writes Bruce Argyle from Bendigo Bank, who shares some tips on how not for profits can get started measuring their impact. 

Fall in rents not enough to address housing affordability crisis

Bruce Argyle, Tuesday, 15th December 2020 -  It’s clear from the Rental Affordability Index that JobSeeker recipients are suffering rental stress despite falling rents and an increase in the JobSeeker payment. 

Four ways to build a meaningful partnership

Bruce Argyle, Thursday, 22nd October 2020 -  How, by working together, can you and your partners create something greater than the sum of your parts? Bruce Argyle shares some things he’s learned along the way and what many businesses are starting to look for in their partnerships.

A mixed budget for the sector

Bruce Argyle, Thursday, 8th October 2020 -  Bruce Argyle, head of the Not-for-Profit Specialist team at Bendigo Bank, reflects on what we saw, and what we did not see, in the federal budget.

Donation Dollar offers a way for Australians to give regularly

Bruce Argyle, Tuesday, 22nd September 2020 -  Challenges like COVID-19 have highlighted the importance of regular donations, which is why the Australian Mint’s introduction of the Donation Dollar could not have happened at a better time, writes Bruce Argyle from Bendigo Bank. 
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