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Lex La Sala is an account director at Fifty Acres.


The federal election campaign is over: what did we learn?

Lex La Sala, Thursday, 26th May 2022 -  For communicators, the federal election campaign trail highlighted the tactics that work and those that don’t. Account director at Fifty Acres Lex La Sala, shares her reflections on this year’s campaign, and how these lessons can inform better communications strategies.

Multicultural media is a strong engagement lever, not a gimmick

Lex La Sala, Thursday, 24th March 2022 -  Mobinah Ahmad, account director at Fifty Acres, warns that neglecting multicultural media in favour of mainstream placement comes at a cost.

How to lose audiences and frustrate people: Why avoiding toxic positivity is crucial

Lex La Sala, Thursday, 24th February 2022 -  Lex La Sala warns communicators on the dangers of opting for toxic positivity in their campaigns. In a world of socio-political unrest and extreme exhaustion, she says it’s important to avoid frustrating audiences with “good vibes”. 

Expect the unexpected: How to respond to crisis, before it strikes

Lex La Sala, Thursday, 23rd September 2021 -  If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s to expect the unexpected. In this article, Jo Scard shares easy steps you can take to ensure your organisation has a bullet proof plan in place, before the unexpected happens.  

Back to basics: Simple communications in a confusing climate

Lex La Sala, Thursday, 26th August 2021 -  In a media landscape that’s anything but simple, it’s imperative that our communications are. Fifty Acres founder and CEO Jo Scard stresses the importance of consistent messaging, well-researched communication plans, and back-to-basics PR. 

The future is female… and remote: How virtual workplaces are rewriting the narrative

Lex La Sala, Tuesday, 27th July 2021 -  COVID-19 gave Lex La Sala the confidence to move into a remote role despite the stigma around working-from-home. Now, she says, we’re in an environment where virtual workplaces are not only the norm but provide grounds for women to thrive.

Disrupting a COVID-normal world and bracing for 2021: How do we ensure we are heard?

Lex La Sala, Thursday, 17th December 2020 -  Jo Scard discusses what breaking through in a fatigued climate will look like for not for profits and purpose-driven brands in 2021.

How Facebook’s ads policy is impacting Australian NFPs

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Lex La Sala, Monday, 12th October 2020 -  While you may not be trying to influence politics, your ad may still need a disclaimer, writes Jo Boyle.

Learnings from Guide Dogs Australia’s first virtual event

RESET 2020 case study

Lex La Sala, Thursday, 21st May 2020 -  Running virtual events during and post COVID-19 comes with its fair share of challenges. Learn how Guide Dogs Australia pivoted quickly and successfully to celebrate International Guide Dogs Day, in this video from RESET 2020’s first live show.

How to ‘Up’ Your End of Year Fundraising Campaign

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Lex La Sala, Tuesday, 11th December 2018 -  December is upon us, so it is time to get on board with a simple donation drive this Christmas, writes Content For A Cause co-founder Nicholas Soraghan, who looks at how charities can make the most of their end of year fundraising campaign.

Social Media for NFPs

Lex La Sala, Tuesday, 21st August 2018 -  Hancock Creative offers some top tips on how not for profits can use social media to grow their brand.
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