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US Recession Hits NFP Executive Salaries

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th September 2011 -  The economic recession in the United States has had a dramatic affect on Not for Profit executive compensation, according to a new report from Not for Profit information provider Guidestar.

Govt Appoints Global Ambassador for Women and Girls

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th September 2011 -  The Gillard Government has continued to increase its focus on foreign aid and development with the announcement of Australia’s first Global Ambassador for Women and Girls.

NFP Jobs in US Continue Show Resilience in Economic Downturn

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 8th September 2011 -  America’s Not for Profit organisations continue to display striking resilience in the face of the current economic downturn according to a new analysis of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data by the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies.

FIA CEO Steps Down

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st August 2011 -  Chris McMillan has resigned as CEO of the Fundraising Institute of Australia.

High Profile Patrons for Voiceless

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st July 2011 -  High profile animal advocates, Dr Jane Goodall and Michael Kirby AC join the animal think tank, Voiceless as patrons.

New CEO for Benevolent Society

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st July 2011 -  After an extensive national search, Australia’s oldest charity has appointed a new CEO to lead it into its third century.

Study of Philanthropic Foundations to Map ‘Where the Money Goes’

Staff Reporter, Friday, 15th July 2011 -  A new research project that will map grantmaking by Australia’s philanthropic foundations is to be led by the former Chief Executive of Philanthropy Australia, Gina Anderson, the Centre for Social Impact has announced.

Bullying in Australian Workplace Rife – Including NFPs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th July 2011 -  A new survey claims intimidation and harassment are rife in Australian workplaces and Not for Profit organisations are not immune.

Hundreds of Scholarships Available for NFP Board Members

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 13th July 2011 -  The Australian Scholarships Foundation has announced up to 325 scholarships are on offer for board members of Not for Profit organisations to attend the Australian Institute of Company Directors Not-for-Profit Board Course.

Patchwork Economy Bodes Well for Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 30th June 2011 -  CBA Finance News | Since the Global Financial Crisis, jobs growth in the residential care services industry has left the mining industry for dust, according to the Commonwealth Bank.
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