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Optus Connecting Communities Grants Program – Advertorial

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th July 2009 -  Australian Communications giant Optus has again announced its Connecting Community Grants Program which provides funding to Not for Profit organisations who help reduce social isolation for those in need and reconnect disengaged youth.

Facebook and Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Monday, 22nd June 2009 -  The social networking site Facebook is a big hit across all age groups with more than 200 million registered users world wide -so why wouldn't Not for Profits take advantage of the phenomenon? Well they are!

Victorian Law Foundation Funds New Projects

Staff Reporter, Monday, 22nd June 2009 -  Victoria Law Foundation has announced the funding recipients of six new legal projects.

FIA Closes Melbourne Office

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th June 2009 -  The Fundraising Institute of Australia (FIA) is to close its Melbourne office in a bid to cut costs.

Online Fundraising Strong Despite Economy

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th June 2009 -  A Benchmark study of leading Not for Profit organisations in the US shows that online fundraising grew by 26% in 2008 but the average gift size has decreased by 21%.

Women Shaping Future of Philanthropy

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th June 2009 -  Women are playing a prominent role in their households and communities when it comes to philanthropy according to a new study in the US.

Facebook Charity Follow-up – The Winner

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th June 2009 -  In case you are wondering (from our Facebook story in edition 10) a US Children's Hospital is the winner of the retail giant Target's "Bullseye Gives" contest using the online social network Facebook, in which 10 charities vied for votes.

Government Releases Draft PPF Legislation

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 28th May 2009 -  The Assistant Federal Treasurer, Chris Bowen has released an exposure draft of legislation aimed at improving the integrity of Prescribed Private Funds (PPFs).

A Revived Bequest Program Brings Results

Staff Reporter, Monday, 25th May 2009 -  Despite the tough financial times CARE Australia has been able to turn around its bequest program in under 12 months with the help of some 'best practice' initiatives, according to CARE's new Fundraising Manager Ryan Brown.

Fundraising Forum Promises Unique Insight to Raise More Funds – Advertorial

Staff Reporter, Monday, 25th May 2009 -  Bringing together speakers from some of Australasia's leading and most innovative charities, the 2009 Australasian Fundraising Forum promises to provide delegates with unique insight to raise more money from new and existing supporters.
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