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Australia Tops International Giving Index

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 9th September 2010 -  Australia and New Zealand are, jointly, the most ‘giving’ countries in the world according to a new International 'Giving" Index.

10 Years of the Millennium Development Goals -TEDxChange Event

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th September 2010 -  More than 150 of the world’s leading ‘thinkers and doers’ will gather in New York this month for an event to mark 10 years of the Millennium Development Goals.

The Philanthropic Path Forward

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd September 2010 -  A US expert has warned Australia's funders and Not for Profits not to use dollars to measure the importance of the growing philanthropic sector or to become risk averse.

Philanthropy Puts Mental Health on the Map

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd September 2010 -  A national conference in Melbourne has been told how a multi-million dollar philanthropic partnership has helped make mental health a major political issue in Australia.

Katrina Aftermath Highlights Community Engagement

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 1st September 2010 -  A Not for Profit report finds an unexpected bright spot in its investigation in to rebuilding efforts and problems after Hurricane Katrina in the US - a blossoming of community engagement.

Pensioners Posting: Social Media Surges Among Older People

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 31st August 2010 -  A new report challenges the assumption that social media only reaches a younger audience.

Who, Why and How they Give – US Study

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th August 2010 -  New US research is set to change the way Not for Profits approach fundraising budgets.

VCOSS Forum Discusses State Election Priorities

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th August 2010 -  Community leaders in Melbourne have met to explore and debate the pressing social issues facing Victoria, ahead of the November state election.

Homelessness Still a Critical Issue for Melbourne

Staff Reporter, Friday, 27th August 2010 -  Forum told that homelessness is still a critical issue for Melbourne with 15,000 living on the streets.

Measuring Alcohol ‘Harm’ – NFP Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th August 2010 -  New Not for Profit research shows that young people are the greatest victims of other people's drinking.
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