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A gold bitcoin

Bitcoin will neither destroy, nor save the environment.

Will Dayble, Friday, 26th February 2021 -  There is a huge debate about the environmental impact of Bitcoin, but everyone is debating the wrong things, writes Will Dayble.
lots of yellow rubber ducks with one purple duck standing out from the crowd

Did your insurance premium rise? Are you looking for an insurance alternative?

Contributor, Thursday, 18th February 2021 -  Our Ark exists to enable community-focused organisations to join together and define their own way to protect themselves – creating a true alternative to insurance.


power station coal pile

Shifting our nation past the fossil fuel era

David Ritter, Wednesday, 10th February 2021 -  The newly-launched Coal Impacts Index is an example of powerful teamwork from separate organisations acting together to achieve a common goal for the good of the country, writes David Ritter.  
workers with their hands in

Co-ops and mutuals sector remains strong despite COVID crisis

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 2nd February 2021 -  A new report says many cooperatives adopted measures to make their business more sustainable and aid society in 2020  


group of people with hands together in the middle

Predictions for 2021: Co-ops and mutuals

Melina Morrison, Tuesday, 2nd February 2021 -  Co-operative and mutual enterprises offer a way to build a more resilient, innovative and stable economy in the 21st Century, writes Melina Morrison, in the latest in our series of predictions about what the social economy can expect from 2021.  
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