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Federal Election

Labor Pledge on NFP Future Funding Arrangements

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 8th June 2016 -  An elected federal Labor government would scrap the Coalition’s community grants program in a bid to reset the Commonwealth’s relationship with the Not for Profit sector, according to Labor’s latest election policy announcement.

Federal Election

Housing and Homelessness are in the Top Three Priorities for Australians

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 7th June 2016 -  Housing and homelessness rank third on the list for voters funding priorities, according to new research.

Good Business

Super Funds Push Climate Change on Election Agenda

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 7th June 2016 -  A social enterprise is campaigning to switch the federal election hot topic of superannuation away from tax to the potential for super funds to address climate change.

Election Analysis

Unclear About Fairness, Australia’s Major Parties Focus on Expediency

Gregory Melleuish, Tuesday, 7th June 2016 -  Australia needs a proper debate about the meaning of fairness writes Gregory Melleuish Associate Professor with the School of History and Politics at the University of Wollongong in this article first published in The Conversation.

Federal Election

National Election Debate to Consider Future of Charity Sector

Lina Caneva, Monday, 6th June 2016 -  Australia’s Not for Profit sector is taking the debate on its future directly to Canberra and the National Press Club in the lead up to the 2 July poll.

Federal Election

NFPs Launch Target 80K Jobs Campaign

Wendy Williams, Monday, 6th June 2016 -  Not for Profits in South Australia have launched a new campaign to push the government to create an extra 80,000 jobs across the state.

Federal Election

Labor Commits to Keeping Community Radio

Ellie Cooper, Friday, 3rd June 2016 -  The Labor Party has pledged to reverse the budget cuts to community radio if elected as the petition to #KeepCommunityRadio continues to build momentum with almost 40,000 signatures.

Federal Election

Talk Transgender Awareness in Primary School – NFP

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 2nd June 2016 -  Not for Profit Transgender Victoria has said discussions about teaching transgender awareness in primary school “have to happen”.

Federal Election

Renewable Projects to Turbo-Charge Innovation – NFP

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 2nd June 2016 -  Energy sector Not for Profit, Community Power Agency (CPA) has welcomed the ALP’s re-commitment to spend almost $100 million on creating up to 10 community power hubs saying it will help turbo-charge innovation across the country.

Federal Election

Indigenous Leaders Call For Post Election Summit

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 2nd June 2016 -  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders have called on the government that takes office after the federal election to convene a national summit on Indigenous issues, establish a Truth and Justice Commission and deliver an Indigenous treaty.
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