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Australia Post parcel

The small but powerful campaign that’s changing how your mail looks

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 7th July 2021 -  Launched to mark NAIDOC Week, Australia Post parcels will now include a dedicated spot for Aboriginal traditional place names  


child painting a drawing of a family in a house

Closing the Gap is failing our most vulnerable

Dr Lisa J. Griffiths, Monday, 28th June 2021 -  The Productivity Commission has just launched a new dashboard for measuring progress against the Closing the Gap targets. It reveals we are failing our children and young people, writes Dr Lisa J. Griffiths, OzChild chief executive officer.
Indigenous man and child on a bus.

Indigenous leaders call for urgent healing for Stolen Generations

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 3rd June 2021 -  Stolen Generations survivors and their descendants carry higher levels of disadvantage when compared to other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, new research shows. 


close up image of the face of a Aboriginal boy

This Reconciliation Week we need action to go with the bold commitments

John Leha, Thursday, 27th May 2021 -  The theme for Reconciliation Week this year is “More than a word. Reconciliation takes action.” There could not be a more appropriate theme for this moment in time, writes John Leha, who says the overrepresentation of Aboriginal children in out-o

The path to Australia’s first truth-telling museum

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 26th May 2021 -  “This museum and healing centre will ensure what happened to Stolen Generations survivors will never be repeated.” 


black lives matters posters

2021 budget fails to close the gap

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 12th May 2021 -  “This is a budget that entrenches the inequalities and injustice of the past”
map with pin

Mapping First Nations advocacy

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 28th April 2021 -  An Indigenous led project will lay out what’s needed to help strengthen First Nations advocacy  


Black Lives Matter protest in Melbourne. Sign in the foreground in the colours of the Aboriginal flag with a raised fist

Real action needed on Aboriginal deaths in custody

Eddie Cubillo, Thursday, 15th April 2021 -  It’s 30 years since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody but families continue to lose loved ones amid high incarceration rates, making the need for effective action ever more urgent, writes Eddie Cubillo.
Garra Mundine

Body image campaign targets Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities slipping through the cracks

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 12th April 2021 -  The Butterfly Foundation campaign is aiming to get Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders talking about their body image concerns 


Black Lives Matter Protest March. A sign reading 'justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are'

Four Aboriginal deaths in custody in three weeks: Is defunding police the answer?

Contributor, Wednesday, 31st March 2021 -  In the wake of four Aboriginal deaths in custody in three weeks, the government needs to reassess the police and corrections systems in Australia, writes Robyn Newitt.
pba inverse logo
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