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Researching the Cost of Compliance for NFPs

5 April 2011 at 11:38 am
Staff Reporter
There are more than 50 different sets of quality or service standards applied to the Not for Profit sector, according to researchers who are trying to uncover the true cost of the sector’s compliance burden.

Staff Reporter | 5 April 2011 at 11:38 am


Researching the Cost of Compliance for NFPs
5 April 2011 at 11:38 am

There are more than 50 different sets of quality or service standards applied to the Not for Profit sector, according to researchers who are trying to uncover the true cost of the sector’s compliance burden.

A research project by Management Support Online NGO Services and Bradfield Nyland Group wants to find out exactly how much the red tape and compliance requirements cost Not for Profit organisations in Australia.

The researchers say the 2010 Productivity Commission report on the Contribution of the Not for Profit Sector identified what most Not for Profit organisations already knew – that there is a plethora of compliance and accreditation systems at Commonwealth and State levels and that ‘red tape’ needs to be dramatically reduced.

The researchers say there are over 50 different sets of quality or service standards applied to the community services and health sector organisations and the process of assessing, complying and reporting costs NFPs staff time, money and organisational resources.

Researchers in Not for Profit governance and management, Jane Bradfield and Julie Nyland say they are aiming to put some hard facts around the anecdotal evidence related to the cost of compliance.

The results of this research will inform both the sector and governments just how much this red tape is costing Not for Profit organisations.

The researchers say the survey is best completed by the senior manager, or, for larger organisations, a manager or quality assurance officer familiar with the way in which the organisation completes quality assurance or standards compliance processes.

The survey closes 15 April,2011: Click here to take part.

The findings will be provided as a public report and electronic copies will be sent to all survey participants who request one. The findings will also be presented to the Office of the Not-for-Profit Sector (Prime Minister and Cabinet) and interested State/Territory ‘reduction in red tape’ projects.

Management Support Online NGO Services and Bradfield Nyland Group specialise in governance, management and operations for NGOs and provide online services to the Australian Not for Profit sector.

For more information, contact:

(Note: if your organisation is a disability services provider located in NT or NSW, your sector has already undertaken similar research. NSW disability services should go to ADHC/NDS survey to complete the NSW Disability sector survey

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