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Telematics Trust Calls for ICT Funding Applications

27 July 2011 at 11:00 am
Staff Reporter
Sponsored Article | Do you have an innovative educational project that needs funding? The Telematics Trust is calling for applications.

Staff Reporter | 27 July 2011 at 11:00 am


Telematics Trust Calls for ICT Funding Applications
27 July 2011 at 11:00 am

Do you have an innovative educational project that needs funding? The Telematics Trust is calling for applications.

The Telematics Course Development Fund (Telematics Trust) is committed to the development and use of new information and communication technologies that support innovative educational initiatives within Victoria. Funds are now available in the form of grants and loans for Victorian projects.

The Trust provides unique funding opportunities to individuals, Educational Institutes, Government, Business and Not for Profit organisations that are exploring the possibilities of using information and communications technology for educational purposes.

The Trust can provide two forms of funding support;

1. Grants
The Trust requires that all projects provide some level of partnership funding whether it be cash or in-kind support. On average, the Trust provides grants of up to $30,000 but will consider applications for large grant requests (up to $50,000) where there are a number of funding partners involved and partnership funding secured or where the application forms a distinct part of a larger project.

2. Loans of up to $100,000 – Security for all loans must be provided.

Assessment criteria

  • The quality of the applicant and their ability to deliver the project
  • The excellence of the proposed project and the likelihood that it will lead to:

    • the promotion of public education and training in Victoria
    • an important innovation or the solution to an important practical problem 
    • economic or social benefit to Victoria and;
  • Where a loan is requested, all the above plus:

    • sufficient financial return to repay the loan

The Trust will not fund

  • Projects that are almost entirely infrastructural and/or equipment
  • Projects that are almost entirely salary and/or travel costs
  • Projects that merely translate curriculum materials from one medium to another
  • Core organisational costs
  • Projects lacking innovation

All projects must

  • Be based in Victoria and be for the benefit of Victoria and Victorians
  • Be education and/or training driven and market oriented
  • Have applicant partnership funding in either cash or in-kind

Only one application can be considered per applicant. Exceptions are made when multiple applications are received from universities and other large organisations where they represent different faculties, departments or schools, and the proposals are unrelated.

Further information about the Telematics Trust and the application form can be obtained from

The Trust meets twice yearly. The next closing date for applications is 29 August 2011

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