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Mining Boom Leaving Communities Behind

17 October 2011 at 11:23 am
Staff Reporter
More than one million Australians experience deep social exclusion, according to a new report by social welfare organisation Anglicare.

Staff Reporter | 17 October 2011 at 11:23 am


Mining Boom Leaving Communities Behind
17 October 2011 at 11:23 am

More than one million Australians experience deep social exclusion, according to a new report by social welfare organisation Anglicare.

Anglicare Australia's 11th state of the family report, Staying Power, reveals that in 2008 one quarter of all Australians experienced some level of social exclusion. 

Anglicare says the mining-driven multi-speed economy is leaving many Australians behind, with little hope of enjoying the benefits of the resources boom, The Age reports

The Age says that in Western Australia and Queensland:

“the situation was dire with the resources boom transforming regional communities. The health and welfare consequences of fly-in, fly-out workers and their families were just beginning to appear, with increases in family breakdown and family violence.

Anglicare Australia called on governments to force landlords using negative gearing to offer longer and cheaper tenancies, the Canberra Times reports

In a piece published on The Drum, Anglicare Australia’s executive director Kasy Chambers says:

“Social exclusion is the new poverty. Individuals and whole communities are being left behind in the wake of Australia's accelerating two-speed economy and if we don't take action soon, we risk creating a gulf too large to bridge.”

“It is obvious that Australia's suite of welfare payments is not adequate. Anglicare Australia's recent rental affordability snapshot across the nation showed less than 1 per cent of all rental housing in metropolitan areas was affordable for those living on welfare.”

Do you think social exclusion is the new poverty? Are you one of the one million Australians that experience social exclusion? Have your say below?

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