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Funding Secures Real Future for Young Job Seekers

7 March 2014 at 2:57 pm
Staff Reporter
The Beacon Foundation has secured enough funding to deliver an expansion of the Real Futures Generation program that will support 1500 disadvantaged young Australians find work.

Staff Reporter | 7 March 2014 at 2:57 pm


Funding Secures Real Future for Young Job Seekers
7 March 2014 at 2:57 pm

The Beacon Foundation has secured enough funding to deliver an expansion of the Real Futures Generation program that will support 1500 disadvantaged young Australians find work.

Financial services company, J.P. Morgan has committed to funding the program’s expansion into New South Wales and Victoria. The initiative aims to help disadvantaged young Australians move into jobs through building their work readiness skills.

Students are introduced to different industry and career options, participate in business-led classroom lessons, and have the opportunity to be matched with a potential employer for a tailored workplace training program.

“The additional funding from J.P. Morgan will allow the program to expand in New South Wales and Victoria, as well as tap into different industry sectors and establish new business relationships resulting in 35 new jobs for young people who are at risk of not being in education, employment or training,” Beacon CEO Scott Harris said.

Since the program started in 2012, 224 young people have started careers with 37 businesses throughout Australia. Almost three quarters (74 per cent) came from low socio economic status communities and 11 per cent of those placed in jobs were indigenous.

A further 3600 students have received education and training that will assist them to get a foothold in other jobs once they leave school.

The expansion will be led by two full-time staff members at Beacon, and supported by Social Ventures Australia (SVA).

“RFG is a place-based collaboration preparing students at risk of youth unemployment to find sustainable employment and build careers in or close to their home communities so we are delighted that J.P. Morgan has made this significant investment to enable the expansion,” Social Ventures Australia Executive Director Kevin Robbie said.

Rob Priestley, Chief Executive Officer, J.P. Morgan ASEAN region and Australia and New Zealand said J.P. Morgan were extremely pleased to be investing in a program that supported the future of young Australians.

“RFG delivers real skills and knowledge, leading to employment which changes the course of the students’ lives and ensures they have the best possible start to a long and productive career,” he said.

Staff Reporter  |  Journalist  |  @ProBonoNews


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