Finding the Right Software for Your Not For Profit

26 September 2017 at 8:36 am
Over the last 10 years, Orchard Consulting group has been negotiating enterprise software deployment… from the buyer’s side of the table. This means Orchard Consulting knows the inside story and decision making factors that most clients will never share publicly, writes director Donna Orchard.
We have spent 17 years in full time, in-house corporate software and technology system expert-roles and know how implementation really works from the inside of a large organisation.
Every single day, our work has been connecting organisations to the right software vendors. This in turn made us realise how much that not-for-profit organisations need a system that can help them “find the right software” which is why we created SAM4NFP’s – Software Analysis Matrix for Not For Profits.
Orchard Consulting Group knows the complex needs of NFP organisations and has spent years building requirements documents from scratch. We have now automated this process by building into SAM so our NFP clients don’t have to do this thinking. Once the requirement questions have been answered, SAM will look through the list of vendors and match the ‘right’ software to the organisation.
From the software vendor’s side, it will put an end to cold calls, mailed postcards and conference booths. It will build connections, influence… and of course, generate more qualified leads in an easier way.
Software will be marketed to not-for-profit organisations that are genuinely looking to invest in systems to improve the structure and organisation of their company. It will give a customised, clear demonstration of the software and the benefits of using it.
If you are a software vendor looking to showcase your company, or a not-for-profit organisation looking to purchase software, please contact us as at and be part of the launch of this exciting new platform, or visit us at