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NDIS Commences Final Roll Out in Three States

10 January 2019 at 3:49 pm
Luke Michael
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is now available across all of Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania, with the final roll out in these states commencing.

Luke Michael | 10 January 2019 at 3:49 pm


NDIS Commences Final Roll Out in Three States
10 January 2019 at 3:49 pm

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is now available across all of Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania, with the final roll out in these states commencing.

The NDIS roll out into the last remaining regions in Victoria (Goulburn, Mallee and outer Gippsland) and Queensland (Moreton Bay and the Sunshine Coast), and for the final age group in Tasmania (those aged between 50 and 64) began on 1 January 2019.

Minister for Social Services, Paul Fletcher, said the final roll out allowed the NDIS to provide support to all eligible people with disability in these states.

“The NDIS is already empowering more than 208,000 Australians to have choice and control in how they live their lives,” Fletcher said.

“The final roll out in [these states] will ensure people with disability have the support they need to achieve their goals.”

Assistant Minister for Social Services, Sarah Henderson, added the roll out in these states was an important milestone for the scheme.

“The NDIS is life-changing and this milestone ensures all eligible [people] now have access to reasonable and necessary supports to ensure they can engage with and contribute to their communities,” Henderson said.

Once fully implemented, the NDIS is estimated to support about 10,600 people with disability in Tasmania, 91,000 people in Queensland, 105,000 people in Victoria and 460,000 people nationally.

The NDIS is already available across all of the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory and South Australia.

This leaves Western Australia as the only state without full availability for the national scheme, with full roll out expected to be completed in WA by 2020.

Luke Michael  |  Journalist  |  @luke_michael96

Luke Michael is a journalist at Pro Bono News covering the social sector.

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