Need a new job? Here’s how you can find one during coronavirus

20 April 2020 at 8:26 am
We take a look at how you can land a great job during COVID-19
With the social and economic impacts of COVID-19 being felt all over the globe, hunting for a new job right now might feel like a near impossible task.
But according to Talent Propeller’s founding director, Sharon Davies, there is still hope – you might just need to think outside the box and get a bit creative in your job search.
We sat down with her to get the low-down on finding a job in the time of COVID-19.
Expand your horizons
When starting your job search it’s important to know exactly how you can apply your skills at the moment to a variety of roles, even if it’s not your absolute dream job, because that might come a bit later.
“It might be difficult right now to get your dream job, but you could step into a role that could lead you there over the next 12 months as companies rebuild,” Sharon says.
Give your CV a new look
With so many people out of work because of COVID-19, your resume really needs to stand out from the rest.
As well as giving your CV a make-over, think carefully about what you can do to make your glowing professional and personal attributes really shine through.
“For example, take a free skill test and include that in the application or include a video cover letter instead of a written one,” she explains.
“It’s little innovative things like that that showcase your personality, that [allow you to] differentiate yourself, and will result in someone spending a bit more time on your application.
“It could make the difference between making the short list or not.”
Virtually network your way to success
Social distancing rules might mean networking drinks and events are a no-go, but platforms such as LinkedIn are a great way to reach out to new and old connections and open up great work opportunities.
“Now is a great time to update the LinkedIn profile and make new connections, reconnect with old connections, ask for endorsements, and write on your profile you’re available for work,” she says.
“Word of mouth is still incredibly powerful in recruitment, so be active, be present and be proactive.”
Stay positive and stay motivated
While the world feels so uncertain at the moment, it’s easy to feel unmotivated when looking for work. But staying on track and focused, not procrastinating, and going after every opportunity you see will be critical to your success in this time.
“Many of my clients have been uncertain in the past few weeks about whether or not advertised positions are still going ahead or not, but my advice is if it’s advertised, it’s going ahead,” Sharon says.
“Don’t procrastinate, be proactive, and stay positive. One of my favorite sayings is that every no is getting you one step closer to a yes. And so it’s how we overcome the no’s which is really important at this time.”