Why now is the perfect time to upskill

4 May 2020 at 8:00 am
We take a look at how you can make the most of self-isolation and progress in your career through upskilling
The COVID-19 pandemic has kept Australians locked in self-isolation and left many – either through working from home, reduced hours, or being stood down – with a lot more time on their hands.
Rather than just using this time to binge Netflix and eat food all day – as tempting as that sounds – experts say you should make the most of this opportunity and develop your talents through upskilling.
We had a chat with Richard Green from NGO Recruitment for his tips on how to do this.
Develop your digital skills
Green says recruiters are seeing an increase in requests for digital skills, especially in industries like teaching which have moved from the classroom to online.
He says people across all industries need to think about how they can transfer their career into a digital mindset.
“What are the possibilities of the transition into a digital world? How do you create a digital version of your skill set?” Green says.
“Everybody needs to start thinking about that because obviously, many people are now working from home. But it’s also about how you can deliver your career and connect with people online.”
Turn to education
As Green notes, you can “never, ever be too educated”.
He encourages Australians to pursue education in whatever form that suits, whether that be through university, TAFE or an online course.
“Everybody needs to always think about their education and upskilling their career,” he says.
“And I think it becomes especially poignant at times like this when everybody is thinking about their careers, their future, and how they remain relevant in their industry.”
Green says it’s not necessarily about having a new skill, and the certificate in your hand.
It’s a demonstration to an employer that you actually think further education is important.
“It’s the fact that you’re committed to doing it. And the reason why people get employed is because they show initiative and an interest in ongoing education,” he says.
Join the COVID-19 recovery
NGO Recruitment has just launched a series of programs targeting people who are going to be requested on the front line of the COVID-19 recovery.
Green says they’re talking to people like psychologists, counselors, community nurses, and mental health experts.
“There’s going to be a big demand from subgroups within the sector like mental health, homelessness, and domestic violence, where your particular skill sets are going to be needed,” he says.
He encourages people who have been out of work for a while in these fields to do a refresher course to ensure their skills are intact.
“It’s going to be the people who are highly skilled who are going to get those jobs,” he says.
“So if you’re looking to be part of this recovery, a little bridging course or something like a certificate could go a long way.”