Here’s why recruiters need to stay busy during a downturn

5 July 2020 at 11:19 pm
Recruiting can be hard when no one’s hiring, but there’s still a whole lot you can do to keep busy even when business is quiet
The economic downturn brought on by COVID-19 has meant recruiting firms all over the country have been a little quieter than usual.
It is a tough time, no one is denying that, but it’s also a great time to rethink your strategies, reconnect with clients and reset your priorities and goals for the rest of the year.
We caught up with Sharon Davies from Talent Propeller for some tips on why and how you can stay productive during the downturn.
Hey Sharon, what are some ways recruiters can keep busy while business is a bit quiet?
If you are an inhouse recruiter, now is a great time to get your house in order. What are all the parts of the recruitment process that were neglected when you were busy? Look at onboarding procedures to identify where they can be improved or developed. When we get busy we often drop this part of the recruitment process, but it’s a critical one to ensure longevity of your new hire.
Review your employment brand, check your careers website and ensure it clearly represents your brand, your values, culture and opportunities. Even though there are more candidates on the market, it doesn’t mean they are all less picky – people are still looking for companies that align with their values.
Review your training and development plan. Update or write a procedures manual so all staff have a “go-to” for how to do things within the business.
If you are an agency recruiter, now is the time to build your networks. Are you connected with all of your clients on LinkedIn? Write thought-provoking or educational articles that will demonstrate your knowledge and [ensure you’re] front of mind when companies do need support again.
Why is it important they do this?
From an internal recruiters perspective, it’s about ensuring all areas of the recruitment process are well organised and have developed processes that all parties in the business are aware of. Did you know that 34 per cent of new hires consider leaving their new job within the first 90 days? This number is directly attributed to the onboarding process (or lack thereof). By taking some time to map out how you will welcome your new team member, from contract signing to the first day, it could have drastic improvements on staff retention.
How can a recruiter stay up to date with their clients and the rest of the industry so it’s not hard to just jump back in once things pick up again?
Stay connected to your clients. Keep in contact, offer support, offer advice. It’s a simple phone call to check in and see how they are going. Educate yourself on what is happening in different sectors – now might be the time to specialise in one if you haven’t already, so use the time to get intimately involved in your chosen field.
Connect with candidates too to identify what struggles they are having. We can all assume but getting to the coal face may deliver different results.
Would love to know where they got the stat “34 per cent of new hires consider leaving their new job within the first 90 days” – wow! 🙂