Disappointing budgets, casualised employment and take me to your board

26 October 2020 at 6:04 pm
All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.
In response to the recent federal budget, ACOSS highlighted that while it provided a glimmer for hope on jobs for young people, it comes as a crushing let-down for many others without paid work. The federal budget has missed key opportunities for job creation initiatives that would have delivered public good, particularly in female-dominated sectors, instead focusing on projects that will take longer to get off the ground.
Dr Cassandra Goldie said: “The federal budget had failed to deliver a permanent, adequate JobSeeker rate. It leaves more than two million people receiving higher income support uncertain about their future beyond the end of the year, when income support rates will go to their pre-COVID levels – which, for JobSeeker, was $40 a day.”
ACTCOSS has said that the ACT election campaign demonstrated a desire by a growing number of Canberrans for a more equitable society in the ACT. ACTCOSS issued an election-eve checklist of actions for the incoming ACT government, aimed at achieving a fair and just Canberra. ACTCOSS also delivered an assessment on funding promises for Canberra’s community service sector.
WACOSS responded to the WA State Budget handed down last week, providing analysis of the impact of the budget on the sector, and its intersectionality with the federal budget.
After a disappointing federal budget, NCOSS is now focused on the upcoming NSW budget (17 November). NCOSS will continue to highlight that a social housing infrastructure boom is sound economic policy that will deliver for NSW regions – and for builders and tradies, small to medium-sized businesses and the people of NSW who are doing it toughest. You can access previous NCOSS economic analysis and other relevant resources to support local advocacy efforts.
TasCOSS asks what is an organisation without people who are interested, concerned or invested in it? In episode six of the Take Me To Your Board podcast, Bridget and Cameron unpack stakeholder engagement for not-for-profit organisations with the help of chief executive officer of Diabetes Tasmania and experienced board member Caroline Wells.
Nominations for election to the SACOSS board and SACOSS policy council are now closed. The result of elections will be announced at the 2020 SACOSS AGM. Due to the current COVID-19 situation this year’s annual Treasurer’s Breakfast will be held alongside the SACOSS AGM minimising the number of times we ask our members to gather face to face during these uncertain times. For more information or to RSVP click here.
NTCOSS CEO Deborah Di Natale speaks to ABC Alice Springs’ Alex Barwick about the federal budget which gave the least to those with the least.
In her latest video update, QCOSS CEO Aimee McVeigh talks about Queensland Labor’s election commitment to fund No Interest Loans Scheme providers.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the prevalence of insecure and casualised employment and the negative impacts that precarious employment can have on health and wellbeing, particularly for those working in the gig economy, says VCOSS in response to the Victorian On-Demand Workforce Inquiry Recommendations.
This article was contributed by ACOSS Community Hub.