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Budget responses, human rights-based approaches and costly youth justice reforms

18 May 2021 at 7:49 am
All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.

Contributor | 18 May 2021 at 7:49 am


Budget responses, human rights-based approaches and costly youth justice reforms
18 May 2021 at 7:49 am

All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


ACOSS has prepared preliminary analysis on the federal budget, which includes briefing on income support, employment, community services, Closing the Gap, the climate crisis and energy transition, and tax cuts. 

In responding to the budget, ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie said: “After years of austerity, a pandemic and a recession, this budget provides much-needed funding to finally start fixing some of the gaping holes in our aged care, childcare, mental health, and domestic violence services.

“However, this budget misses the opportunity to deliver the change we need to reduce inequality and poverty, act on climate change and make the investments in crucial areas to support communities to rebuild from crisis, like social housing.”


While awaiting the official result of the 2021 Tasmanian State Election, TasCOSS would like to say thank you to everyone working in the industry, from every corner and every nook of the state, who has weighed in over the course of the campaign. The commitments secured in the past month from all sides of politics were particularly encouraging. 

More importantly, however, TasCOSS can now see a path through the fog and towards a collective vision: one where all Tasmanians can live a good life on our island home. TasCOSS will provide more information and analysis following the result on our election homepage.


NCOSS has a new learning opportunity – Human Rights-Based Approaches in Community Services. Community sector leaders, advocates and service practitioners are called to be “inclusive”, “equitable” and “non-discriminatory” in supporting people. In this three x 90-minute online series from NCOSS, you will acquire new insights and tools to nurture and grow human rights-based approaches in service practice, advocacy and leadership. 

Learning will be facilitated by the pioneering team from NSW TAFE that piloted a course for the Australian Human Rights Commission in 2012. Save the dates for this unique learning opportunity: Wednesday mornings – 21 July, 28 July and 4 August. Check NCOSS Training and Events to register.


SACOSS is looking forward to shining a light on the state of rental housing in SA at our Living Without the Basics conference on 19 May, together with water security in regional areas, minimum energy efficiency standards for housing, and more! We’ll be looking at a range of areas where change can make a real difference. Find out more here.


The annual WACOSS Emerging Issues Forum on Monday 24 May will analyse some of the most pressing issues facing the community sector in WA, in the new context that we work. The forum is a forward-looking analysis of trends in housing, gender equity, poverty and inequality, with key campaigning and advocacy strategies put forth by sector leaders. Register for the event here.


ACTCOSS welcomes the motion by shadow minister families, youth and community services, Elizabeth Kikkert MLA, to support the extension of out-of-home care for young people to the age of 21. The ACT government through the 10th Parliamentary and Governing Agreement includes improving the extended care of 18-to-21-year-olds in the out-of-home care system as one of its agreed legislative reforms. Read more here.


NTCOSS condemns the NT government’s decision to rush through its dangerous, ineffective, costly youth justice reforms. NTCOSS CEO Deborah Di Natale said incarcerating more children will not reduce crime. 

“This legislation will reduce access to diversion programs and impose electronic monitoring on young people prior to conviction. It does not break the cycle of crime. It entrenches it,” she said.


While the federal budget’s investment in services is welcome and will create jobs for women, it missed the opportunity to act on the housing crisis, says QCOSS

QCOSS CEO Aimee McVeigh said: “Spending in the care economy, in aged care, childcare, mental health and domestic violence services is the right thing to do. This investment will support people who need help and create jobs for women.” 


Australian Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has unveiled his second “pandemic budget”, with a claim the nation’s economy is “roaring back to life”. But does the 2021 federal budget deliver the right type and scale of investment across critical areas of social policy? And will it do enough to alleviate poverty, combat disadvantage and support people to live a life of genuine dignity and wellbeing? VCOSS are collating the public responses of key leaders, organisations and analysts from across the social and community sector, and beyond. Click here for more information.


This article was contributed by ACOSS Community Hub.

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