End of financial year appeals: Four reasons donors are different

2 June 2021 at 3:39 pm
Garth Stirling, ntegrity’s head of services, explains why tax time donors are different and how NFPs can make their tax appeal work harder for them on digital.
You know it’s the end of the financial year (EOFY) when you’re suddenly bombarded with advertising shouting: Huge EOFY sale! EOFY-THING could be tax deductible.
In charity land, EOFY is also a critical time. In Australia, June is a time when we see more donation revenue come through than any other month.
Figure 1: Blackbaud, 2021
However, unlike giving at other times, EOFY donors are different. Here are four reasons why:
1. They usually fit the profile of a middle or major donor
Instead of individual donors who give between $50 to $200 in an appeal, the key EOFY donor segment fits the profile of a middle or major donor. They are likely to give a high value donation, and it is likely to be a once-off gift.
While these donors act more like middle or major donors they may not be identified with this audience yet, and could be hiding in your wider individual giving programs. They can be proactively identified through profiling by asset value or income via their postcodes.
2. They are often monogamous
Or at least, they are in terms of donations! While Australians give to multiple charities throughout the year, during EOFY most give their big donation to just one organisation – due to convenience and time pressure.
That’s why it’s critical to start stewarding these high value donors well ahead of 30 June, so that when that time rolls around, your charity is top of mind and you’re tapping into a latent demand.
3. It’s all last minute
Often they are donors who want to take advantage of the tax benefits of a donation, and may not know how much they need to give to stay within their tax bracket until late June. Or if they are self employed – they actually don’t know how much they can give until their accountant tells them.
That’s why at EOFY, there is a massive jump in donations in the last few days leading up to 30 June. In fact, many organisations will see approximately 55 per cent or more of their revenue come in during the final week, and around 60 per cent of that will come in the final three days of June. Make sure you plan your media budget accordingly.
With this in mind, it’s also important to ensure the online giving process is seamless and easy for your donors. Your donors might want to give $20k, $50k, $100k and they want to get it in just before the deadline. Consider ways to make this easy for your donors: chatbots on your website, a call centre that is open on weekends during those final few days and till 11.59pm on 30 June.
4. They aren’t new donors
Because donations are made last minute, you’re mostly talking to people who already know you i.e. those who have given in the past 12 to 24 months. Unlike other appeals, your EOFY appeal is not usually about acquiring new donors; although last year we saw many tax appeals transform into emergency appeals during COVID-19.
Your messaging should be about convincing your donors that they should give to your cause above many others clamouring for attention at this time of year.
In summary
EOFY appeals are unlike anything else you’ll do all year. Combine a competitive market, unique donors, and an urgent deadline and you get something very different from your regular run of the mill appeal. They’re one of the biggest opportunities to raise money, if you don’t put your best foot forward, you’re leaving donations on the table. Hopefully, by keeping some of these factors in mind you can create a tax appeal that works harder than an accountant in June.
About the author: Garth Stirling, is head of services at ntegrity.
Hi Garth, Im a small fry, a micro business that has been operating as a sole trader for 6 years to support my daughter and I to have a meaningful vocation given our challenging circumstances. We operate a unique gift service from the foyer of the Queensland Children’s Hospital.I am seeking $5,000 to promote my business through a planned market strategy written up for me to apply for the recent Qld Govt Business Basics Grant round. It closed after 3.5 hours the day it opened. I’m reaching out for suggestions after getting my hopes up at the opportunity to apply given our track record. Is the EOFY donation something that I should consider? Do we fit the bill?
our website is http://www.thinkingofyougift.com
For this teeny tiny business to find $5,000 to spend from our profits at this stage is a stretch. We have grown organically purchasing new shop fittings($40,000 in total) as we could afford them, taking minimal drawings and buying stock. We are at a point where we could actually employ perhaps another staff member with a disability and are a leading example of micro business. We have spoken on a few occasions at disability sector forums. If I’m barking up the wrong tree let me know. I have plenty of information I can supply. Kind regards Donna and Freya. 0432271028