A good telco is finally here

5 August 2021 at 7:00 am
A new, carbon neutral and ethical telco has been created specifically to help the not-for-profit industry do more of its world changing work.
The rise of social enterprises has finally made its way into one of the industries we often all dread having to use. The good old telco.
COVID has made the need to communicate and stay connected more important than ever. Whether it’s the enormous speed at which we have all had to adapt to working from home, our home schooling requirements or simply a need for more data with our internet connections, the telco has certainly become more needed than ever.
Inspired by amazing social enterprises such as Who Gives A Crap, Thank You, I=Change and others, a new, carbon neutral and ethical telco has been created specifically to help the not-for-profit industry do more of its world changing work.
Goodtel is like a traditional telco and uses the networks of the major telcos we all know. Where Goodtel differs from the rest is it donates 50 per cent of its profits to a range of good causes that help protect the planet and those in need. While Goodtel is yet to turn a profit, it was determined to “do some good” from day one and in the first 18 months has donated over $45,000 to the causes it supports.
In addition to donating 50 per cent of its profits to good causes, Goodtel has exclusive price plans available to all registered not for profits and designs its services specifically to assist not for profits to improve the communication and productivity of their teams. Further savings are also available for not for profits that are Connecting Up members.
Not for profits looking to improve how their telco services perform, how they can manage distributed teams alternating between working from home and the office, and how they can reduce the cost of such services can enjoy the following services, amongst others, from Goodtel:
Improved handling of calls and costs to 1300 and 1800 services
Since the arrival of COVID, it is fair to say most not for profits have seen marked increases in the number of calls they are receiving. This has resulted in many not for profits seeing the cost of their 1300 or 1800 service surge. With many not for profits’ front-line work involving taking inbound calls to help those in need, these increased costs are placing strain on already stretched operational budgets. Some not for profits are being forced to limit the number of calls they can take in order to manage their costs.
Goodtel are experts in reviewing 1300 and 1800 services to ensure organisations are getting the most out of these services, not only from a cost perspective but also making sure the right reporting is available to help with staffing levels and other operational decisions. In recent times new features have become available on 1300/1800 services that can help make the management of calls more efficient providing a better experience for both callers and operators taking the call. Goodtel can guide not for profits to ensure they are making the most of these features.
Simple phone systems that work at home like they do in the office
We’re all slowly becoming experts at working at home but some of us have struggled with how we can easily take work calls and communicate with callers and our team members just like we used to do in the office. Goodtel delivers a phone system that works anywhere in the world just like it does at your desk.
Should they wish to, employees can take their office phone between their home and office without interruption to their service. The phone works with any internet connection and over wifi so employees simply plug it in anywhere they need to work and they can make or receive calls just like they’re in the office. The system also works without the need for a physical handset and users can just plug a headset into their laptop and gain the full functionality of the phone system again as though they’re in the office. It’s great for not for profits who have volunteers that need to take calls at home but don’t have the budget to send each volunteer a physical handset.
Goodtel’s phone system allows calls to be answered and transferred automatically to any group of users or any individual anywhere at any time. A mix of working from home and in the office is here to stay so why not take advantage of the technology that exists to make communicating from home more seamless.
About Goodtel
Goodtel’s mission is to turn Australia’s use of telco services into a force for good. Launched in 2019, Goodtel is the ethical telco choice for those individuals and organisations wishing to combine their telco needs with their desire to do good.
In partnership with Connecting Up, Goodtel has assisted more than 60 not for profits to both simplify their communications set up and significantly reduce their costs.
First and foremost it delivers reliable, cost effective telco products that just work. But its reason for being is much more than just supplying telco services. Goodtel has been created with the sole purpose to help not for profits do more of the great work they’re already doing in the hope that together they can build a better future for our children, communities and the planet.
If your organisation is interested in switching to a telco whose values are more in alignment with your own please visit www.goodtel.com.au or email hello@goodtel.com.au.