The TasCOSS Conference, the state of concessions, and service centre closures

28 October 2021 at 8:20 am
All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.
There are fewer than two weeks left to register for the webinar on Reducing Long-Term Unemployment, the next installment in the ACOSS Policy Webinar Series. This session will explore new research and data on long-term unemployment, its causes, and who is affected, as well as discuss what the federal government can do to reduce it, including employment programs that give people a better chance of getting available jobs. ACOSS will be joined by Sandra Elhelw Wright (CEO, Settlement Council of Australia), Dr Emily Porter (ANZ Tony Nicholson research fellow, Brotherhood of St Laurence), and Keagan Nictora (grassroots advocate). See full details and register for free here.
The 2021 ACOSS annual general meeting is coming up on Monday 8 November. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated health and safety concerns, the meeting will be held virtually. Register here.
Do you work with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities? QCOSS is hosting a series of webinars next week, exploring crisis communication for multicultural communities during the COVID-19 pandemic and how organisations can better engage with interpreters and increase inclusion and representation for the communities they represent. Register now for webinars on 3-4 November.
During Anti-Poverty Week, NCOSS launched a new report into women’s economic security, Rebuilding for Women’s Economic Security – Investing in Social Housing in NSW, which highlights that women have been particularly affected by the COVID pandemic. NCOSS welcomed the NSW government announcement of several important initiatives during the week, including significant funding for domestic and family violence initiatives and more investment in social housing. This is a great first step, but we need at least 5,000 new homes every year for the next decade so that more women have a pathway out and a safe, secure place to call home.
It’s all systems go for the TasCOSS Conference next week. Take a look at the final jam-packed TasCOSS Conference 2021 program. Program highlights include writer, speaker and appearance activist Carly Findlay OAM, futurist and business advisor Bernard Salt AM and host of the ABC’s flagship radio program AM Sabra Lane.
WACOSS’ 2022-2023 State Budget Submission focuses on the need for Western Australia to develop long-term sustainable strategies and measures that go beyond recovery and even resilience, towards building fair and strong communities where we all have the freedom to live well. Read more here.
SACOSS has released a new report, The State of Concessions in South Australia, which identifies problems in the system of concessions which support low income South Australians. As a result of what we found, SACOSS is calling for a range of specific reforms, as well as an overall review of the system. We are also looking forward to our Liveable Futures Conference on 18 November.
ACTCOSS has expressed its deep concern following the Australian government’s announcement that the Braddon Services Australia Service Centre will be closed and merged into Gungahlin and Belconnen Service Centres.
ACTCOSS CEO, Dr Campbell said: “The final decision to close the Braddon Service Centre has been taken without any meaningful consultation with the ACT community sector, organisations representing vulnerable communities or current clients of the Braddon location.” Learn more here.
NTCOSS continues to support Youth Voice NT, a project that works with young people and youth workers to elevate the voices of young people in the Northern Territory. The project helps young people to have a say about things that impact everyone in the community. It also focuses on sharing the talents and stories of young Territorians. Click here to learn more
VCOSS continues to encourage Victorians to get vaccinated with its Back To The Good Things campaign. The campaign highlights: Getting vaccinated isn’t just about “not catching COVID”, as crucial as that is. It’s about reclaiming our old lives; the things we once took for granted. Meeting grandchildren, hugging your mum, catching up with friends. It’s about music festivals, first dates and dancefloor introductions. It’s about an end to home-schooling, and hitting the open road. It’s about getting back to the good things.
This article was contributed by ACOSS Community Hub.