Thinking of a career change? Here are some goals you should set

10 March 2022 at 4:57 pm
Because every big life change requires a plan
If you, like many others across the world, have decided it’s time to switch up your work, you’ll know that it’s not just a matter of finding a new job.
Whether it’s moving companies or completely changing your field of work, a job change requires some forward planning.
Setting goals (big or small) is a good way to make sure you don’t become overwhelmed with changing your career trajectory.
With that in mind, we sat down with Helen Green from Career Confident, to find out the kinds of goals you should be setting, and how to actually stick to them.
Hey Helen! So why is it important to set some goals when you’re on a mission to change your career?
In my experience, goal setting helps break down the steps needed to successfully transition to a new career. By breaking down the tasks, you are less likely to feel overwhelmed and more likely to succeed. Know your strengths, transferable skills and skill gaps, and build up your connections.
Career change is not easy but it’s very achievable for most people.
And what kinds of career goals should a jobseeker try and set when preparing for this career change?
First off, you should assess your reasons for contemplating a change, starting with examining why you’re no longer feeling happy, fulfilled, or challenged at work. For some, changing employers or sectors, or seeking a role with more or less responsibility will suffice. For others, a bigger career change is needed to find a pathway that better aligns with their values, interests and goals. Job versus career change is an important distinction to make.
For most people, a successful career change starts with honest self-reflection and should include research of current and emerging occupations or occupational groups suited to their interests and strengths.
Research the profession you are interested in, perhaps starting with the industry organisations linked to the occupation you are exploring. Speak to people working in the career you are interested in and ask them plenty of questions. Show interest in them and their work. Find out what additional training or study would be required with your background and factor this into your career transition plan.
How can you make sure you stick to these goals?
Stay focused on the outcome and establish a plan to keep you accountable. Research online careers tools, seek help from trusted friends and get professional careers help if you need it.