Here's how to say goodbye to your toxic new job

7 April 2022 at 4:07 pm
Because it’s not as easy as just walking out the door
Picture this: You’ve started what you thought was your dream job, and everything is going great.
But soon enough, you start to see the signs of a toxic workplace. Morale is low, your colleagues seem to only want to take each other down, no one ever leaves on time (and if they do they are criticised for it), and internal career progression is seemingly non-existent.
While it’s always better to get yourself out of a toxic organisation sooner rather than later, there is a right and a wrong way to go about it.
Firstly, most workplaces have a trial period, often around 90 days, which gives them the chance to see if their new employee is suitable for the role.
Using the same time-frame will give you a good feel for whether you still want out, or if you misjudged the situation and it is worth sticking around.
If you do decide to leave, create an exit plan. This could involve looking for a new job, or contacting a past employer to see if they could take you back.
You might even decide to branch out on your own, or save up some money to take a trip somewhere and rethink your next career step. This plan might take a little while, so in the meantime it’s important to remain productive and to save your doubts and criticisms of your current job for outside your desk.
Lastly, when it comes to the actual resignation, try and make it as smooth as possible. While storming out of a place you’ve realised you hate might sound fun, it won’t do you any favours in the long run.
Keeping calm, setting up a meeting with your manager and handing in your notice will mean respect is maintained on both sides. Depending on your situation, you could offer to assist with the transition. Sometimes it really pays to be the bigger person.
Wise words Maggie – will share this one. Thanks.
One big omission from that list of don’ts – never air your concerns with work colleagues or criticise personnel or the organisation. Keep those for after work. Toxic workplaces have toxic people.
Another early indicator is staff churn