Poli-Pix: And the winner is…

25 May 2022 at 5:36 pm
With the election campaign having drawn to a close, it’s time to reveal the overall winner of the Poli-Pix competition
Over the past five weeks charities across Australia have been putting the sector’s value in the picture with their best snaps of politicians paying them a visit.
Winners of the Poli-Pix competition, created in collaboration by CCA and Our Community, have included a theatre group, a community radio station, a recreation reserve, a historical society, and a charity that raises awareness about animals in need.
For the final round winner, judge Mike Bowers chose the image Balancing Act, which captures Tim Watts MP joining the Friends of Koroit Creek to check out one of its latest habitat restoration projects.
Highly commended went to the Lobethal Community Association volunteers, for their photo with Greens candidate for Kavel Mel Selwood at the Mill Road Pocket Forest, a community-initiated bushfire recovery project.
Meanwhile the overall winner-of-winners went to… drum roll please… round four winners Sox, Dean Morris and Give Our Strays A Chance, for so clearly reflecting their mission, their values and their value in a snap.
GOSAC will receive an additional $2,000 for a bonus prize.
The winning photos from round five are below.
You can find out more about the other entries here.
Tim Watts MP checks out the latest project of the Friends of Kororoit Creek, a passionate group of volunteers who have been restoring the Kororoit Creek habitat corridor.
Greens candidate for Kavel, Mel Selwood, gets her hands dirty to help the Lobethal Community Association volunteers with their project at the Mill Road Pocket Forest.
UPDATE: This article was updated to reflect that Mel Selwood was the Greens candidate for Kavel, not Mayo.
You might want to check the candidates, Wendy. I live in Mayo and the information on coreflutes and every other party’s How To Vote cards indicates that the Greens candidate for Mayo was Greg Elliot, not Mel Selwood.
Hi Marion, Thanks very much for letting me know. It looks like Melanie Selwood was the candidate for Kavel. I have updated the article. Best wishes, Wendy