Welcoming a new ministry, amplifying youth voices and engaging in disaster recovery

8 June 2022 at 5:28 pm
All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.
ACOSS welcomes the Albanese government’s new ministry and looks forward to working with the government to secure positive change for the community.
ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie said: “We stand ready to work with the new government on achieving equality, lifting the incomes of people doing it the toughest and taking fair, fast and inclusive action on climate change. We very much look forward to working with the prime minister, treasurer and whole of government, alongside the ACTU and business groups, on the forthcoming Jobs Summit and full employment, which is a high priority for us all. We welcome the diversity and gender balance in the new ministry, which is an important step towards having a Parliament and leadership that is more reflective of our community and more able to meet the challenges we all face.” Click here to read the full statement.
More than $800,000 will be dedicated to amplifying the voices of young people, with NTCOSS to receive $170,000 in grant funding each year for the next five years to deliver the NT Youth Voice Project. The project will strengthen the ability of young people to have their say in the development of policies and strategies that impact them directly. It will assist young people and youth representative bodies to inform, participate and advocate at the highest level of decision-making, and is a critical step to ensuring young people are represented at that level. Click here to learn more.
SACOSS has responded to the new SA government’s first state budget, providing an analysis of areas of interest for our sector and the people it supports. While welcoming a range of measures, it has stressed that much more is needed, particularly to address the rental affordability crisis, but also to tackle the issue of digital inclusion. SACOSS is also looking forward to working with the state government on a full review of government concessions. Find out more.
There’s just a few weeks to go to book early bird prices for the 2022 QCOSS Conference. QCOSS is looking forward to exploring the theme of Power and Politics of the Care Economy with a fantastic range of sessions on issues such as advancing gender equality, the Path Towards Treaty, and the implementation of the Human Rights Act 2019 across the community services sector. Speakers include advocate Grace Tame, journalist Amy Remeikis and Queensland Human Rights Commissioner Scott McDougall. Book tickets here.
The 100 Families WA project, with WACOSS a project partner, has launched a second video in the Change Series, a five part video series focusing on how we can improve the systems that help people exit disadvantage. Watch the latest video and listen to Kim, Damien and Len talk about their lived experiences.
As National Reconciliation Week drew to a close, VCOSS reflected on this year’s theme – Be Brave. Make Change. This year’s theme is a challenge to every single Australian to continue to take the steps towards reconciliation so that we can make change for the better – for all. Actions speak louder than words, and VCOSS also recommits to playing its role alongside Aboriginal leaders and communities to support truth, Treaty and healing.
How is disaster recovery organised in NSW? Engaging in disaster recovery – what are the possibilities and barriers? The aftermath of a disaster is a chaotic time and impacts are long lasting. Local community services provide vital support during but it can be hard to find out what recovery support is available, how it’s coordinated and how your service and community can have a voice. Join this free NCOSS webinar to learn more about advocating for your service and community after disaster.
This week’s Legislative Council Estimates Committee hearing has revealed that the Tasmanian government’s decision to maintain the $40 aurora+ product fee will impose higher electricity charges on 130,000 Tasmanian households and small businesses. TasCOSS CEO Adrienne Picone said the aurora+ product fee remains a barrier for tens of thousands of households seeking to benefit from better managing their energy usage and costs. Click here to learn more.
ACTCOSS has welcomed the release of the ACT government’s Draft Multicultural Recognition Bill 2022 for consultation. The bill is set to be presented to the Legislative Assembly later this year and demonstrates a strong commitment to the vision of Canberra as a diverse and inclusive community. The draft bill formalises the role and capacity of the Multicultural Advisory Council and proposes a Multicultural Charter declaring the rights and responsibilities of Canberrans. Click to learn more.
This article was contributed by ACOSS Community Hub.