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23 career tips for employees

13 January 2023 at 2:17 pm
Catherine Kennedy
There are 23 things employees should consider in order to make 2023 their best career year ever, writes Catherine Kennedy. 

Catherine Kennedy | 13 January 2023 at 2:17 pm


23 career tips for employees
13 January 2023 at 2:17 pm

There are 23 things employees should consider in order to make 2023 their best career year ever, writes Catherine Kennedy. 

As people2people’s NSW managing director and with over 17 years’ experience  in recruitment and the careers space, Catherine Kennedy shares her insider knowledge on how to prep for the new year and  ensure those hopes, resolutions and manifestations come to life. 

Catherine’s 23 tips for 2023: 

  1. Forget ‘quiet quitting’ it will get you nowhere – put your hand up: Luck can only take you so far, playing it safe at  work might seem like the easy on-trend option, but if professional development is on your agenda, then staying  comfortable could prevent you from accomplishing great things. 
  2. Jump out of your comfort zone: Write down three things that make you feel uncomfortable in your current role  and plan how you’re going to act on them or offer to take on the task. It doesn’t have to be huge; baby steps will  lead to changing your mindset and achieving your goals. 
  3. Introduce a ‘busy jar’ on your desk: Like a swear jar, it’s a great way to make yourself aware of the stress you are  actually putting on yourself and change your language. Pop a gold coin in every time you consciously tell yourself  you’re busy or stressed. Hopefully you don’t save too much! 
  4. Be proactive on feedback: Rather than sitting back and waiting for review time, pro-actively ask for feedback but  make sure you ask specifically for constructive feedback! Top performing people tend to stay at the top of their  game because they consistently search for ways to be and do better 
  5. Always be kind: Just because you want to develop your career this year doesn’t mean you need to compromise  on your integrity and level of empathy for others. Kindness always trumps poor behaviour, especially in the  workplace! 
  6. Really get to know all your colleagues: Working from home has introduced natural boundaries to really  connecting with your work peers. With back to the office back on the agenda, now is a great time to bolster your  work relationships. Plus, being genuinely interested in your colleagues not only helps ease the stress of the day, it  adds to job satisfaction, career growth and it makes you feel good! 
  7. Celebrate the success of others: We try to teach our children this at an early age and sometimes as adults we can  easily forget. People like people who make them feel good and revelling in someone else’s success from time to  time can make you feel good too! 
  8. Drop the perfectionism: Sometimes we may tend to strive for perfection, yet in this day and age it’s exhausting  and frankly impossible to keep up. Don’t mistake this for work ethic though, there is a big difference. Try to cut  yourself some slack and get out of the perfection-zone in 2023. Choose your battles. 
  9. Schedule breaks and stick to them: Research shows that micro-breaks are good for productivity, even though to  start with it feels counterintuitive. With regular, small breaks, your ability to concentrate is increased and stress is  reduced, so take the time to make that cup of tea or go for a walk around the block. You can even ask your  colleagues if they want a cuppa (see 6 above). Breaks should not be taken at your desk! 
  10. Disconnect from technology: Create a phone, email and social media free time zone in your home or at the office.  It doesn’t mean you can’t check for an urgent message or email you’re waiting on but dedicating even an hour  free from it can result in increased efficiency and reduced stress levels. 
  11. Sleep needs to be at the top of your priority list: There are so many reports on the benefits of a good night’s sleep  and in 2023, just like brushing your teeth twice a day, its time to get serious about implementing good sleep  hygiene. A good night’s sleep is proven to reduce brain-fog and irritability and even bigger health risks like  diabetes, obesity and sleep apnoea. If you find drifting off at night challenging, you’re not alone. Try to avoid all  those things you know you shouldn’t be doing and if you can’t drop off, or wake in the night, try focusing on your  breathing. Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth requires concentration leaving you little  time to think about the worries of the day. If external factors are at play, keep some ear plugs at the ready rather  than stressing about the sleep you’re missing out on. 
  12. Start breakfast with a frog: The saying goes, “Eat a live frog every morning and nothing worse will happen to you  for the rest of the day”. It’s simple, tackle the hardest task on your to do list each morning and the rest of the day  will flow. Try it, you’ll be surprised just how effective this is.
  13. Get in the zone: Discover your flow and avoid multitasking. Start the day with 5 minutes of meditation, there are so many free apps out there that there are no excuses! Once you’re fully in the moment you’ll notice your  productivity skyrocket. 
  14. Help others: Research shows that being helpful to others has a knock-on effect. It’s a great way to build self esteem, with the inner enjoyment experienced in helping others enriching and expanding your own life. As the  Dalai Lama says, “It is not enough to be compassionate – you must act”. 
  15. The power of three: Instead of declaring things like I’m not drinking this year, or I’m not eating chocolate, or I’m  going to the gym every day, pick three smaller healthy habits that aren’t impossible to achieve. If you can conquer  them with ease, you can always add more! 
  16. Network, network, network: It’s time to build your tribe or reconnect with other professionals in your industry.  It’s not only a great way to meet people who understand your day-to-day challenges, but it can be an effective  way to stay on top of what’s happening in your field and increase your personal brand from a career perspective. 
  17. Add a meeting buffer: Stop booking and accepting back-to-back meetings, allow at least 30 minutes in between  meetings to reset and declutter your brain, this will help you recharge and reduce your anxiety to get the best out  of each meeting you hold or take part in. 
  18. Ask ‘Are you ok’ on a daily basis: Don’t wait for Are You Ok Day to ask a colleague or someone you know or care  about if they’re ok. Trust your gut instinct and act. You don’t need to be an expert to reach out, just a good friend  and a great listener. Starting a conversation could help them to open up. 
  19. Ask yourself “Are you OK”?: Check in with yourself regularly too. Be honest with yourself. It’s ok not to be ok from  time to time but it’s not sustainable in the long-term. Does your workplace have a mental health programme or  first-aider? There are lots of workplace programmes your company can join. Maybe consider being the champion  of this worthy cause yourself? 
  20. Don’t keep doing what you’ve always done: As the saying goes, “If you keep doing what you’ve always done,  you’re going to get what you’ve always got”. Think about it. Change is difficult, otherwise you’d be doing it all the  time. Ask what it is that stands in your way. Is it confidence, qualifications, or time? Each of these roadblocks can  be overcome, often in conjunction with the other. 
  21. To thine own self be true: Are you aligned with the values of your organisation? Do you even know what they are?  If you are you’ll likely feel energised and positive, surrounded by like-minded people. If you’re not, you’re probably  feeling burnt out and undervalued. Research organisations in industries of interest or who are active in areas  you’re passionate about. It’ll feel less like work and more like a calling – sort of! 
  22. Consider a short sabbatical: Some organisations are open to sabbatical leave (paid and unpaid) and know the  benefits to an employee, especially a long-serving one, who will return fired up and energised. If you love  something, set it free… 
  23. Take control: You are in control of your own mindset so in 2023 make a conscious effort to make it a ‘growth  mindset’. Believe that you can grow from and thrive on challenges, learn new things and stretch your existing  abilities.

Catherine Kennedy  |  @ProBonoNews

Catherine Kennedy is the NSW managing director of People2people.


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