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Top Tips for Engaging Employees During Workplace Giving Month

12 June 2013 at 10:51 am
Staff Reporter
June is Workplace Giving Month. Margaret Smith, General Manager at the Australian Charities Fund, shares some tips on implementing a successful workplace giving program.

Staff Reporter | 12 June 2013 at 10:51 am


Top Tips for Engaging Employees During Workplace Giving Month
12 June 2013 at 10:51 am

June is Workplace Giving Month. Margaret Smith, General Manager at The Australian Charities Fund, shares some tips on implementing a successful workplace giving program. 

Employers and charities are getting creative with their campaigns to engage employees during Workplace Giving Month.

Employees often say they’d be willing to give or give more if asked and Workplace Giving Month is a platform to raise awareness, increase participation and celebrate the impact of your program with staff.

Historically, employers have seen a significant increase in employee participation (up to 40% in some cases) through Workplace Giving Month campaigns initiated by employers and charities.

These campaigns have included CEO breakfasts, competitions, sign-up incentives and mobilising champion networks.

Here are some top tips for employers and charities in preparation.

For Employers:


Increase your contribution for the month of June. If you are already matching the contributions of your employees, double match. If you are yet to match, consider doing so.


Lead from the front and have your CEO encourage employees to sign up or increase their donations. Make it easy for employees by using online and pre-filled donation forms, with a nominal donation amount split equally between charities.


Share the difference that has been made through collective donations. Note the amount that has been raised by your workplace and put it in a meaningful context. For example, "our donation of $15,000 in the last month has provided…"

For Charities:


Publicise workplace giving on your website, collateral, and email sign-offs. Communicate with your existing employer supporters and potential supporters.


Discuss with your employer partners how you can help them achieve their workplace giving engagement objectives.


Ensure that your employer supporters are aware of the difference their collective donation has made.  For example, “your donation of $15,000 in the last month has provided…”

To recognise the efforts of all employers to drive workplace giving growth, the employer with the highest percentage increase in staff participation (as a result of a Workplace Giving Month campaign as at 30 June 2013) will receive the Australian Charities Fund’s Workplace Giving Month 2013 Engagement Award.

Register your business for Workplace Giving Month 2013.

For more information contact The Australian Charities Fund on 02 9024 8630 or visit 

Staff Reporter  |  Journalist  |  @ProBonoNews

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