Here’s how you can keep connected during coronavirus

22 May 2020 at 2:53 pm
We take a look at why keeping up your communication channels during times of uncertainty is key
Lockdown restrictions are easing and organisations are starting to think about returning to the office. But with such uncertainty in the air, it’s important to keep communication channels as clear as possible.
At the moment, this communication is still all happening over the internet, so how do you make sure that as a recruiter, you’re still getting through to your clients? We sat down with Kate Larkin from Beaumont People to get some tips.
Keep it regular and genuine
It’s important that during this time of uncertainty, you are regularly checking in on your clients even if it’s to see how they are doing.
“A lot of people are feeling really isolated at the moment, so it’s important to be able to reach out to people and maintain those relationships,” Kate says.
“We also don’t want our clients to feel like we’re trying to sell them something at the moment, we want to just provide people with information that they’ll need right now.”
Variety is key
There’s a lot of information swirling around the world at the moment, and the last thing you want to do is overwhelm your clients with unnecessary emails about the same stuff.
Instead, Kate suggests mixing up how you’re keeping connected with your customers.
“We’ve set up a weekly webinar series that our clients can log in to if they’re interested in the topic, we run very regular blogs and individual video messaging on LinkedIn,” she says.
“These are all activities that people might have time to do now if they are out of work or are working reduced hours.”
Face-to-face contact
Meeting face-to-face with your clients is also a really good habit to keep up, even if it is through a computer screen.
“Whether it’s using Microsoft Teams or Zoom, we are trying to catch up face-to-face with as many as possible to provide that support,” she says.
“We’re all navigating this time together, and there are lots of different ways we can keep in contact with clients without hounding them and asking them if they need help all the time.”