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Poll Results : How Do You Prefer to Attend Interviews?

17 June 2023 at 8:19 am
Jenny Nicholls
In March 2023, Gembridge recruitment thought it would be interesting to hear from their network of jobseekers what they thought about attending interviews right now, here's the results.

Jenny Nicholls | 17 June 2023 at 8:19 am


Poll Results : How Do You Prefer to Attend Interviews?
17 June 2023 at 8:19 am


Gembridge ran a poll on tehir LinkedIn page in March 2023 to ask… ‘If given a choice, how do you prefer to attend an interview for a new role?’

Interviews are an vital element of the recruitment and job-hunting processes. Since Gembridge conducts interviews – casually or formally – almost daily, we thought it would be interesting to hear from our network what they thought about attending interviews right now.

See below for the results and some thoughts. Thank you to everyone who voted!

The choices given were ‘In person’, ‘On Zoom’, ‘Over the phone’, or ‘No preference’.

Interestingly, no one chose ‘Over the phone.’ This is a good indicator that candidates and employers really do value seeing faces and being able to read facial expressions, body language, etc. now that we’re able to move about freely once again.

25% chose ‘On Zoom’. The last few years have thoroughly acquainted us with video calls, if we weren’t already familiar. Zoom, or other video tools, just seem to feel natural now. And for many, including Gembridge, they are used daily to connect, collaborate and build a sense of team and belonging.

60% selected ‘In person’, which again shows that we are getting back to the ‘old’ way, when the majority of formal interviews were being held in person. We suspect this number will continue to climb.

While 15% voted ‘No preference’, we guess that it forced to choose, they would likely prefer online or in person.

Since the pandemic and lockdowns, interview methods have certainly gone through big changes. So, it’s interesting to see these results now that life and work have largely gone back to ‘normal’.

This article was originally published at

Jenny Nicholls  |  @ProBonoNews

Marketing & Communications Manager at Gembridge Recruitment & Executive Search.

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