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Philanthropy - Australia's Stingy Rich!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 25th September 2000 -  “We have a pretty pathetic record in Australia of rich people giving money!” ‘It’s pretty damn poor, and that is a sign I think of a lack of maturity in our society. That…

Fundraising Brain-teaser

Staff Reporter, Monday, 25th September 2000 -  There are no lifelines, you can’t phone a friend and you won’t win a million dollars, but it is a major fundraising night for the Brain Foundation at Melbourne’s toughest quiz. Mastermind…

A Definition of Charity - 400 years on

David Crosbie, Monday, 25th September 2000 -  The Federal Government has set up an inquiry to review the 400-year old definition of what constitutes a charity! The three person independent inquiry is the result of a commitment…

Significant Women

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th September 2000 -  A call for help in compiling a list of significant women in Australia has seen the Office of the Status of Women inundated with names! Cathy Cornish from the OSW in the Department of the…

Ethics-Building - the Melbourne Extension

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th September 2000 -  The Saint James Ethics Centre — a Sydney based Not for Profit that provides a forum for the promotion of business and professional ethics — has spread it’s wings to open…

Pro Bono Listings

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th September 2000 -  Just a final reminder that the deadline for listings in the Pro Bono publication or the web site has been extended until September 15, 2000. Contact the listing coordinator on 03 9682…

A Taxing Time on Donors!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th September 2000 -  The new July 1st tax system has created some interesting predicaments for many Not for Profits, not the least being how to explain it – to both new and long time donors! Just when…

US Catholic Charity Scandal

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th September 2000 -  San Francisco Catholic Charities has been forced to resign after embarrassing disclosures about his personal spending of charity funds and the lack of financial accountability.…

Computers - A Call for Help

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th September 2000 -  An appeal to e-Newsletter readers this week from Judi-Ann Leggetts from DSP Australia Inc (Disability Support Pensioners) for donations of any computers that are not being used.…

Getting a Share of the American Dollar

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th September 2000 -  Ever wondered how to find an American philanthropist or US conglomerate willing to help your cause back in Australia? A UK publishing company, formed by two former charity directors…

International Philanthropy Study - Part Two!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th September 2000 -  Despite the growing importance of Not for Profit organisations, there is still very little known about them worldwide. As a result, phase two of the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit…

E-The People...Online Petitions

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th September 2000 -  Standing for long hours in a shopping centre asking passers-by to sign your well-meaning petition could be a thing of the past after inspecting the latest Internet site with the clever…
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